The People I Love the Most

my experience Jun 02, 2021

There are some people in the world that don't even know that I love them.

To me, they feel like warm honey.

And home.

Even though they may have nothing to do with "home."

The ones who send electrifying, buzzing waves through your body during late night conversations.

The ones who make your teeth chatter and your head spin because you feel in such deep alignment. Oh, just me?

They're young, silly boys who showed me to not be afraid of the dark.

They're wild, free-spirited women who decided to do things differently.

They're the men who cry.

They're the sugar-sweet giggly girls who dance carelessly in the back parking lot.

They're the person who jumps up and acts something out on your living room floor.

They're the friend who asks you if you need anything when you're down.

They're the leathery-skinned elders who put flowers in your hair and invite you into their gardens.

And the people who sit in the golden-hour sunlight in your kitchen and sing along to the music until the stars come out.

They're the jokesters.

The storytellers.

The nurturers.

The adventurers.

The deep thinkers and inquisitors.

The ones who laugh the most.

The brave ones.

The independent ones.

The humble ones.

The ones who tell you a little too much.

The ones who give you nicknames.

To the people in the world that don't even know that I love them: thank you.

To me, you feel like warm honey.

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