With or without a lover, self-love should always be on the calendar. Especially today: the day of love.
As a [selfless] self-care fanatic and expert, let me hit you with some options:
1. Give yourself a luxurious Balinese flower bath known to clear energy.
Sprinkle in wildflowers, a store-bought bouquet, or rose petals. I like to add epsom salt, sea salt, and/or cold-pressed, organic sesame oil.
3. Take yourself on a solo road-trip or a staycation.
Just go. Your time. Your activities. Your place. Enjoy.
4. Do a meditation for self-love.
I got one for you here.
5. Join a sound bowl healing in your area or play some heart-based beats.
Sound bath for the heart-chakra to play in the background always... here.
And dance your buns off (alone, with friends, with whoever).
Read the checklist here.
Take yourself out and take the waters, sweet cheeks.
Take a hike, walk, swim, or a breath in the outdoors.