9 Midweek Musings

cold warm call eft skateboarding Jul 31, 2024



I wanted to shift a perspective for you that I've been using lately. As intense feelings come up, I tell myself: It's okay, I am healing. Why? Because I read in a book one time that anxious types really spiral when they don't know WHY something is happening. WHY am I freaking out? WHY am I suffering? WHY!?! WHAT IS IT ALL GOOD FOR!?

Well... what if it was all for your healing? What if it was all indicative that you're strong enough, brave enough and ready enough now to face things head on that you weren't able to face before? What if every nauseating moment you spent comparing yourself or worrying about your path was actually surfacing to be loved, held and healed? Then could you love the moments where things feel the hardest?


It's helping me. I hope it helps you.


1. Long summer nights.

There is nothing more relieving to the parts of me that live in perpetual urgency and pressure to do it all and see it all while still being productive AF (working on this) than the sun going down at 8 PM. I can breathe knowing I have so many hours of daylight left after I shut my laptop. Summer is my favorite time of the year for so many reasons.


2. Skateboarding midday [on smooth pavement].

Crème de la crème.


3. EFT.

I've been all up in EFT (emotional freedom technique) aka tapping lately. It reallyyyy regulates an anxious/stressed spiraling system like not much else can. Here's a whole bunch of info on it from Alberta Health:

Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is a method some people use to help manage emotions and troubling thoughts. They may also use it to lower their stress and anxiety. For example, EFT may help calm you if you're feeling angry. Or it may help ease your thoughts if you're worried about something.

EFT is also called tapping. This is because to do EFT, you tap your fingertips on certain points on your hand, head, and torso. The points you tap on for EFT are like those used in acupuncture.

Experts don't agree on how well EFT works. And it shouldn't replace going to see a health professional for serious issues like depression and trauma.

How to do EFT

You can do EFT, or tapping, whenever you feel upset. You may find that it helps you feel better.

To do EFT, follow these steps.

  1. Think of an issue that's bothering you.

    This could be any issue. For example, it could be something you're feeling anxious or sad about.

  2. Measure how your issue makes you feel.

    Rate how bad you feel on a scale from 0 to 10. A score of 0 means you don't feel bad at all. But a score of 10 means you feel as bad as possible. Write down this number.

  3. Create a statement that describes your issue, followed by a statement of self-acceptance.

    For example, you could say, "Even though I feel anxious about work tomorrow, I deeply and completely accept myself." Or you could say, "Even though my partner broke up with me, I deeply and completely accept myself."

  4. Tap repeatedly on the edge of your palm, below your little finger.

    While you tap, say your statement out loud 3 times.

  5. Now tap on the rest of the points on your body, one at a time.

    While you tap, state your issue over and over. For example, you might repeat "anxious about test" or "we broke up." Tap on each point in this order.

    1. Tap on the top, centre of your head.
    2. Tap on the inside edge of one eyebrow.
    3. Tap next to the outside edge of one eye.
    4. Tap on the bone underneath one eye.
    5. Tap between your nose and your upper lip.
    6. Tap between your lower lip and your chin.
    7. Tap beneath one collarbone (find the notch beneath the inside edge of the collarbone).
    8. Tap under one armpit (about 10 centimetres (4 inches) below the armpit).
  6. Stop and remeasure how you feel about your issue.
  7. Repeat the steps if needed.

    Tap until you can give your issue a lower number, or until you feel better.


4. Checking in on my friends with a cold, but warm call.

You never know who needs it.


5. The twinkle in my boyfriend's eyes when he looks at me.

There is nothing more special than this. It makes me feel a way I've never felt before.


6. Taking things one step at a time.

Very unusual for me... very therapeutic.


7. Making work play.

This is a mindset. It doesn't mean you have to quit your job (though maybe you want to). I've been reframing some things and it's made me feel so much lighter. What if it wasn't all so serious? What if we just played in business and work? Thoughtfully of course, but played.


8. My signature salad dressing.

It's zesty, it's salty, it's kinda creamy - it's fully vegan, packed with B vitamins, vitamin C and healthy fats and so delish. Everyone who tries it asks for it. Recipe is in the Lush Life membership.


9. My body.

I am so happy with my body right now. I've been eating well, pushing myself in a healthy way and truly tuning into what it needs. I am stronger than I've ever been and I'm just so proud of the work I've put into learning to love it, learning to listen to it, and being disciplined with it all at once. My teen self would be so freakin' proud.

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