I've been soaking in Maui with love and gratitude. This place is a gift that keeps on giving. Here's what it's bringing...
1. Tasting menus.
Before you get up in arms about how bougie this is, hear me out: I've loved food my whole life. I come from a whole family who loves it too. It's probably my top priority when traveling (to find new and delish restaurants). Food isn't just food though. It's an opportunity to gather, to connect, to enjoy, to experience art and pleasure and nourishment all at once. It really checks all my boxes (which is why I upload monthly recipes to my Lush Life Community Membership).
I haven't had a tasting menu experience in quite some time because, let's face it: it's expensive and time-consuming. However, last week, Sean surprised me with a date at a new restaurant here on Maui called, "Spoon and Key." They do a farm-to-table tasting that changes weekly. It was delish and magical and fun and all the things, but what it was really was CENTERING. We were so surprised that by the end of our two hour date, we had done nothing but be with the flavors the sights and the conversations about each dish. There was no time to wander. We were immersed in our senses and the pleasure of the moment.
There are many ways to have this type of experience (full sensory presence and pleasure) and many are free.To me, that type of presence is priceless. To me, that is what life is all about.
2. Having a sister-friend.
A sister-friend is a friend who could be a sister. You're real and honest and loving and supportive with one-another, you can pick up the phone and call whenever. You're journeying through life in a very similar fashion or in a very similar chapter. That kind of friend is real special. A real comfort in this wild life.
3. The banana leaf glow.
Do you know what I'm talking about? On islands and in the tropics especially, the way the sun hits banana leaves specifically is the most delightful golden, glowy sight. It brings my a ridiculous amount of joy.
4. Mochi as a name for a hairless cat.
This is random, but once upon a time, I almost got a sphynx cat (fun fact: I grew up with a Devon Rex I named, Bubbis). I was traveling too much so I didn't follow through, but here were the name ideas: Fiesta, Piña [Colada], Mochi or Prune. Mochi really gets me.
5. Writing these from bed in the morning.
The doves are cooing. The light is gold. I am in my cozy linen sheets and I get this chance to reflect and flow on all that is good. I love starting my days like this. I think anyone and everyone could.
6. Olaplex.
I'm gonna be honest with you, I haven't used it in months. And it shows. This is one of the few unhealthy/not clean products I just can't live without. When it was a part of my monthly routine, my hair was down to my hips. Now? Broken to my nipples. It's coming back.
7. Not eating alone.
There is a book called, "Never Eat Alone." I've actually never read this book before, but the name jumped out at me. Before I even found out what it was about, the thought "never eat alone" started creeping into my psyche. For a couple of weeks now, I have really tried to never eat alone. Sure, it happens sometimes, but I try to share at least one meal per day with someone else. Obviously this is easy with my partner, but in writing this blog, I found out this book isn't about health or loneliness, it's about connecting with your people and building relationships. Ironically, that's what I've been doing. Ironically, I am loving it.
8. "Tricking" myself into going to the gym.
Let's be honest, there is really never a time I WANT to go to the gym. Yoga and walking, yes, but being in a sweaty nast gym? No. What I've been doing lately is running an errand nearby or as I pass it coming home from somewhere. That way, it's just efficient. Obviously there's planning that goes into that, but I find something else to focus on so that the excuses are nearly impossible.
9. Warm wood ceilings.
They just warm up the space.