In a world full of options and innovations, it's so easy to forget the little things. It's the simplicity that we take for granted, but the simplicity that makes life so special. Everyday we can choose to find and appreciate the simple pleasures in life. There's so much to be grateful for.
I think these are some of things I'd look back on and realize these are the moments that make being alive really something sweet. Let's see if you agree...
1. Hot bubble bath or relaxing shower
2. Laughter
3. The sound of rain
4. Watching snow fall out a window
5. Sipping tea
6. A fresh bouquet of flowers
7. The smell of summer
8. Hot nights
9. Dining by candlelight
10. The dance of incense smoke
11. A good stretch
12. Freshly washed sheets
13. When the perfect song comes on
14. The first bite of dessert
15. Stargazing on a blanket
16. Flowers blooming in spring
17. Enjoying a home cooked meal with family
18. Watching birds
19. The smell of your favorite candle or essential oil in your home
20. Walking barefoot on grass or sand
21. Finally getting to read a book you can’t put down
22. Yoga or meditation
23. Warm, fresh-baked cookies
24. A magnificent sunrise or sunset
25. Cuddling
26. A breathtaking view
27. Sunsets and sunrises
28. A long conversation with a good friend
29. A clean, uncluttered space
30. Making someone smile
31. Hot towels
32. Dancing without a care in the world
33. Dark chocolate
34. Helping someone in need
35. Watching clouds
36. Driving with your windows down
37. Running through a sprinkler
38. Gazing out the window
39. The feeling after a great workout
40. The sound of doves
41. Singing in the shower
42. Finishing everything on your day’s to-do list
44. A long walk in beautiful weather
45. Floating in water
46. Taking an afternoon nap
47. Acting crazy in public
48. PB&J sandwich
49. Getting a massage
50. Watching the ocean
51. Nature hike
52. Swimming at night
53. Swinging on a swing
54. Having a picnic
55. Staying up all night talking
56. Remembering a sweet memory
57. The smell of a baby
58. The farmers market
59. Relaxing in front of a roaring fire
60. Fresh-picked fruit
61. Making s'mores
62. Seeing a rainbow
63. Licking the batter
64. A full moon
65. Tears of joy
66. A sunny day
67. Stopping to smell the roses
68. Being pleasantly surprised
69. Finding something you made when you were little
70.The kindness of a stranger
71. Running free through a field
Anything I missed? Let me know what you would add in the comments below.