In a time that has been especially difficult for most people, finding gratitude may seem like a challenge, but studies show it is also the key to your well-being and positive peace of mind. This year, try these tangible gratitude tips:
1. Ask: "Why is this happening for me?"
So often, we find ourselves in a self-victimizing story. "This always happens to me! Why is this happening to me?" When this narrative starts playing in your mind, catch it before it takes over and flip that script: "Why is this happening for me?" This new question prompts us to find lessons and value in every experience. This is how you learn instead of suffer. This is how positivity and wisdom become your default landing pages.
2. Find one thing to be grateful for every morning.
Your legs, your breath, your pillow, your eyes. All of those little-seeming things that we take for granted are a perfect place to start. Choose one thing first thing in the morning to consciously feel gratitude for. You can write it down, say a silent prayer or simply think of it. There's always one thing to help shift you from the struggle to a glimmer of light.
3. Give back.
It might sound counterintuitive to give when you may feel so much has been taken, but this is the remedy for compassion, empathy and even combating loneliness and depression. Give to those less fortunate than you. Donate time, money or resources to a cause or group that speaks to your heart and watch as your woes dissolve for a while.